Terms of Service

Please read through and familiarise yourself with my terms of service. __==
__By commissioning me, you agree to these conditions

Work hours

I am a UK based artist.I do not work on Saturdays and Sundays so please do not expect any updates from me on these days.Please refer to my Trello before asking me for updates! You will see your position in queue and any public announcements there first. This will save us both time.Public Queue (Trello)

Estimated wait time

Depending on the type of commission and the length of my queue, wait time can vary from 3 days to 3 months. Flatcolour pieces tend to be completed in a shorter time period than a detailed shaded piece for example. However, on average, most of my commissions are completed in 1-3 weeks. If you need a commission completed in time for a specific deadline, depending on how short notice the deadline is, you can pay a rush fee to guarentee it will be completed on time.

(Work in progress shots)

In general, I will send a WIP in the sketching phase, in which you are allowed to request edits and changes. Additional charges may be applied if the edits are complex or if you have requested over 5 edits.The next WIP shot you can expect from me will be in the Flatcolour stage. This is to check if the colours and design of your character(s) are correct and satisfactory. Please do inform me if I have missed out any markings or details! You won't be charged for requesting colouring/marking changes.I will ask if you 'approve' of the drawing during these stages. If you spot something you want changed or edited please let me know! I will NOT make anymore edits or changes after you agree that you approve.It is down to you, as the commissioner, to provide me with enough information and a clear reference when commissioning me.
I will ask if I need any more information, or if I need something made clearer. It is down to you to make sure I am provided with enough information on what you’d like from me.
I retain the right to recycle any sketches rejected by you, the commissioner, to use for either personal work, commissions, or for use as a YCH.


If I haven't started on your commission or you are unhappy with the sketch and no longer want the artwork, you are welcome to ask for a full refund.After the artwork has been approved and completed past the sketching phase, I no longer offer refunds.There may be rare occasions in which I will make the decision to refund you regardless of the stage the drawing is in. This may happen when I am struggling with physical/mental health. I may also make this decision if you are rude or hostile towards me.


I take payment upfront and in full. I will not begin work until I have received the payment.Payment plans /may/ be accepted for bigger and more expensive pieces, but I will not work past the sketching stage before receiving the full payment.You will be added to the Trello queue once payment has been received.

Other information

  • I have the right to deny any commission request.

  • An up-to-date digital flatcoloured reference/reference sheet of your character is much preferred, however I may be able to work with traditional references (on paper). Basically, a visual reference of your character is required.

  • If you want to repost your commission or use it as a pfp/icon, I would prefer if you could credit me in the description, bio or caption unless the watermark is clearly visible in the post.

  • I am allowed to post any commission/YCH I draw unless it is requested by the client that I keep it private. It is your responsibility to inform me of this before the piece is completed.

  • When I am posting, by default I will usually not tag the clients account/username unless it is requested by the client that they want to be tagged.

  • You are allowed to use your commissioned artwork in whatever way you would like. However you are not allowed to make profit from my work without my explicit permission and you are not allowed to claim that you are the artist who created the drawing. You are also NOT allowed to run my artwork through any AI programs. You will be blacklisted if you are caught doing this.

  • Please do NOT guilt trip or rush me. I am a person with a life outside of drawing. I ask that you be patient with me! I work as hard and as fast as I can :)

What I will draw

  • Most species - I love to try drawing new species!

  • Vent art

  • LGBTQ+ artwork

  • Feral fursonas

  • Some religious themed art- please ask first

  • Gift art/surprise art for friends, family or partners

What I won't draw

  • Humans

  • Mecha/robots/machinery

  • War themes / war related / guns

  • City backgrounds and anything similar - please ask if unsure

  • Artwork with offensive themes

  • Artwork in other artist's styles

I can draw both Plantigrade and Digitigrade

I will default to drawing Plantigrade if digitigrade is not specified. It is your responsibility to inform me on which type of anatomy you would like.Plantigrade is human-like anatomy. This includes humanoid hands and legs.Digitigrade is more fursuit-like and animalistic anatomy. This includes handpaws and digilegs.See example below

© VampyBooXO. All rights reserved.